Artist Statement
The unnameable communication, or lack thereof, between the mind and the body is a unique mystery of the human condition. In the intensity of both our most trying times and our most exuberant times, we often find our physical and mental selves more clearly distinct, and perhaps more dissonant, than in our presumed “normal” state: our physical self (body) wants and needs something different than our mental self (mind) wants and needs. The mind denies the body. The body defies the mind.
The paintings here derive from personal reflections and questions about the relationship between our mental states and our physical realities, particularly during times of intense mind:body dissonance. Does our structure (body) trap us or support us? Does our mind liberate us or imprison us? Is the truth of the human condition realized when mind and body are securely aligned or when they are, in fact, most dissonant?
Ultimately, I believe these questions are unanswerable, but our quest inevitable and individual. These paintings are just part of my personal quest to understand and experience fully the human condition.
Related blog: There Are No Words (Thank you, Francis Bacon)
The unnameable communication, or lack thereof, between the mind and the body is a unique mystery of the human condition. In the intensity of both our most trying times and our most exuberant times, we often find our physical and mental selves more clearly distinct, and perhaps more dissonant, than in our presumed “normal” state: our physical self (body) wants and needs something different than our mental self (mind) wants and needs. The mind denies the body. The body defies the mind.
The paintings here derive from personal reflections and questions about the relationship between our mental states and our physical realities, particularly during times of intense mind:body dissonance. Does our structure (body) trap us or support us? Does our mind liberate us or imprison us? Is the truth of the human condition realized when mind and body are securely aligned or when they are, in fact, most dissonant?
Ultimately, I believe these questions are unanswerable, but our quest inevitable and individual. These paintings are just part of my personal quest to understand and experience fully the human condition.
Related blog: There Are No Words (Thank you, Francis Bacon)