Here are a few youth and education related resources I have created and co-created over the years:
Understanding the Continuum of Youth Involvement
Tips for Shared Learning Among Youth and Adults
Tips for a Meaningful Mentor/Mentee Relationship
Youth Organizing for Educational Change
As the field of youth organizing has grown, educational issues continue to surface as priorities in communities across the country. While stories of powerful youth-led campaigns have found circulation, the stories of “how they got there” have been hard to come by. This paper provides some of the “back story” from successful youth organizing efforts from around the country that describes the evolution of the work and lessons-learned that were the foundation of subsequent successful campaigns.
The Core Principles for Engaging Young People in Community Change
Provides a series of core principles and practices that are critical, but often overlooked, when adults and adult driven organizations and communities work to engage young people. This paper provides a framework for more effective practices in engaging young people as agents of community change.
Support, Expectations, Awareness, and Influence
Youth and Democracy Special Issue
Journal of Community Psychology, 2007
Youth Adult Partnerships for Public Action
The Forum partnered with the University of Wisconsin’s Center for Nonprofits to publish Youth-Adult Partnerships in Public Action: Principles, Organizational Culture and Outcomes. This study focuses on how organizations translate principles of youth engagement into practice and build a culture of partnership, as well as the outcomes – for young people, institutions and communities – that can result when they do. The research focuses on two organizations, Austin Voices for Education and Youth and Oasis Community IMPACT in Nashville, TN, but the lessons can help any organization committed to meaningful youth engagement advance their efforts in concrete ways.
Weaving Youth Engagement Into the Core Practices of Schools
A National Dropout Prevention Center/Network Position Paper
Youth Voice
Guest Editor, National Dropout Prevention Center Quarterly Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 2
Engaging the Public in Public Education
A collection of insights and resources on community and youth engagement, school climate, and inclusive schools from the partners of Cascade Educational Consultants.
Inclusive Youth Leadership Guidelines: Achieving Authentic Inclusion in Our Schools
Generated from the insights of leaders from across the country, "Inclusive Youth Leadership Guidelines" provides some practical frameworks, reflections, and prompts for action to help make a school or any learning environment more inclusive and with stronger youth leadership.
College on the Brain: When Beating the Odds Isn't Enough
What if they did a survey in your child's school and they discovered that while 9 out of 10 high school students said they wanted to go to college, only 1 out of 10 made it? What would you do? Well it happened here. In Nashville. And it's happening all over the country. This 40 minute documentary tells the story of some Nashville Youth who discover that their dreams of being first-generation college students are also the dreams of their community. Taking matters into their own hands and challenging the system, the youth are determined to not just beat the odds, but to change them
College Access: from the Inside Out
The work in this report was done by the young people who are the subject of the above documentary "College on the Brain". For 18 months, our team of youth researched every angle of college access and organized their findings and their aspirations in this white paper.
Understanding the Continuum of Youth Involvement
Tips for Shared Learning Among Youth and Adults
Tips for a Meaningful Mentor/Mentee Relationship
Youth Organizing for Educational Change
As the field of youth organizing has grown, educational issues continue to surface as priorities in communities across the country. While stories of powerful youth-led campaigns have found circulation, the stories of “how they got there” have been hard to come by. This paper provides some of the “back story” from successful youth organizing efforts from around the country that describes the evolution of the work and lessons-learned that were the foundation of subsequent successful campaigns.
The Core Principles for Engaging Young People in Community Change
Provides a series of core principles and practices that are critical, but often overlooked, when adults and adult driven organizations and communities work to engage young people. This paper provides a framework for more effective practices in engaging young people as agents of community change.
Support, Expectations, Awareness, and Influence
Youth and Democracy Special Issue
Journal of Community Psychology, 2007
Youth Adult Partnerships for Public Action
The Forum partnered with the University of Wisconsin’s Center for Nonprofits to publish Youth-Adult Partnerships in Public Action: Principles, Organizational Culture and Outcomes. This study focuses on how organizations translate principles of youth engagement into practice and build a culture of partnership, as well as the outcomes – for young people, institutions and communities – that can result when they do. The research focuses on two organizations, Austin Voices for Education and Youth and Oasis Community IMPACT in Nashville, TN, but the lessons can help any organization committed to meaningful youth engagement advance their efforts in concrete ways.
Weaving Youth Engagement Into the Core Practices of Schools
A National Dropout Prevention Center/Network Position Paper
Youth Voice
Guest Editor, National Dropout Prevention Center Quarterly Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 2
Engaging the Public in Public Education
A collection of insights and resources on community and youth engagement, school climate, and inclusive schools from the partners of Cascade Educational Consultants.
Inclusive Youth Leadership Guidelines: Achieving Authentic Inclusion in Our Schools
Generated from the insights of leaders from across the country, "Inclusive Youth Leadership Guidelines" provides some practical frameworks, reflections, and prompts for action to help make a school or any learning environment more inclusive and with stronger youth leadership.
College on the Brain: When Beating the Odds Isn't Enough
What if they did a survey in your child's school and they discovered that while 9 out of 10 high school students said they wanted to go to college, only 1 out of 10 made it? What would you do? Well it happened here. In Nashville. And it's happening all over the country. This 40 minute documentary tells the story of some Nashville Youth who discover that their dreams of being first-generation college students are also the dreams of their community. Taking matters into their own hands and challenging the system, the youth are determined to not just beat the odds, but to change them
College Access: from the Inside Out
The work in this report was done by the young people who are the subject of the above documentary "College on the Brain". For 18 months, our team of youth researched every angle of college access and organized their findings and their aspirations in this white paper.